Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Flurry of Activity

Oh, I was so naive this time last week thinking that we just had a couple of things to pull together. We've been running around non-stop, up until today, getting everything to it's proper place. Maildrops, storing everything we own, returning library items, organizing gear, updating addresses, etc. It feels quite nice to be past that point, but man did it feel overwhelming Wednesday and Thursday.

There's not that much stuff, right?
Right now we are in Corvallis, OR staying with Trail Angels "Wandering Jew" and "Totally Rachel" aka our good friends Ken and Rachel. They'll be babysitting the Corolla for us and sending us new shoes/gear as needed.

After a delicious pancake breakfast, Dustin and I seam sealed our Tarptent. I highly recommend Henry Shires' Tarptents for a 3 Season tent both for the functionality and weight/size (check out the link to the right). The "Double Rainbow" tent, picture below, is a single walled tent that upon purchase you must seal along the sewn seams. Despite previously sealing the tent, the last time we camped in some rain we got a little wet. To beef up the "waterproofed" seams we diluted some silicone with some paint thinner and painted all of the seams. Hopefully, we won't encounter much ran and this will be more useful when we are in South America.

Just a little will do you!
On Monday we will be taking the train up to Portland to stay at Trail Angel "Ler's" house aka my good friend Chandler's house. He's actually the person responsible for introducing Dustin and I. Back in 2009 he invited me to hike a 500 mile section of the Appalachian Trial with him, which led me to Iceman and thru-hiking the entire AT.

Finally on Tuesday we will be flying out to San Diego to start hiking! It will probably be at least a week out before another update. 

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