Saturday, September 7, 2013

Stevens Pass, WA (Mile 2,476)

Yes, it feels good to be back in Washington and around familiar mountains! Our days are filled with trying to identify craggy peaks, reminiscing about our past climbing/skiing adventures, and planning our next mountaineering objectives. Being back in Washington has also meant we've been getting a lot of rain. And unusually we've been in the middle of some extreme thunderstorms. Nights have been filled with heavy rains, constant flashes of light (envision someone setting up a strobe-light outside of your tent), and the constant reverberation of lightning booms off granite slopes.  Cliff Mass, a local meteorologist, compiled some great data with rainfall totals (some areas had over 8 inches) and lightning strike locations (which he states there were "literally thousands of strikes throughout the Northwest"). We have managed to stay mostly dry and every morning we remark how well the tarpent is performing.

It's hard to believe we have just 10 days remaining until we will cross into Canada and have completed our 2,660 mile thru-hike of the Pacific Crest Trail. Feelings are mixed--on one hand we are ready for what's next, a long trip trekking/backpacking around South America, and on the other hand we love being on-trail. It's the simplicity of a thru-hike that really resonates with me. You wake up, hike, eat, hike some more, eat some more, and then set-up camp. Food, water, and shelter are your only true worries. No electronic devices to preoccupy your idle time, no media telling you the most recent political scandal,  no work stresses. To be honest, I can't think of any other environments that truly cultivate this type of "freedom".

With only 184 miles to go this will be our last on trail update. After we finish we will be travelling to Corvallis, OR to pick up our Corolla, then we'll be around Seattle, and on October 8th we start our travels to visit family in TX and NC. We hope to see you all during this time!!!

Also, Iceman was the "Featured Guide" in International Mountain Guides monthly newsletter. I thought I would link his blogpost here for those who haven't had an opportunity to read it.

Mount Hood in the background and its enormous moraines. Moraines form as glaciers push rock down the mountain and are only visible once the glacier has receded.

Tricky river crossing on the northwest side of Mount Hood. The water has a milky color, because it's flowing from glacier melt.
Excellent views of Washington volcanoes from northern Oregon (from the left Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainer, and Mount Hood).

Eagle Creek Tunnel Falls, OR

Yep, you walk behind the waterfall!

Bridge of the Gods and the first mile of Washington.

Our new hiking team (Cattywampus, Ler, Pie and Iceman).

The trees were enormous in Indian Heaven Wilderness. 

Can you identify these tracks? We were debating if they are cougar or bobcat...

It's huckleberry season on the trail! Yummy!

The tiniest frog on the trail!

Refreshed after our stop in Trout Lake, WA. "Marathon Mountain Momma" aka Jenni came and gave us a lift to town!

Just inside of Goat Rocks Wilderness and the first time the clouds lifted. Iceman=Happy

I went to pack up in the morning and this huge alien was on my bag. Pretty scary stuff. Anyone know what it is?

Still walking on snow.

Goat Rocks Wilderness is definitely a highlight of Washington. The trail drops of hundreds of feet on either side.

Absolutely stunning! Rainer is hiding in the clouds, but you can see her flanks with snow on them in the background.

The trail goes into Mount Rainer National Park for a few miles. This was the best view we got during that time. Iceman was happy to be hiking the PCT and not working ;)

We all met back-up at Chinook Pass after a great stay up at Crystal Mountain with our friend Zach. Ler had a knee injury and took some time off at White Pass.

Walking around Iceman's backcountry stomping grounds just southeast of Crystal Mountain.

The ski hill looks a lot different during the summer.

Labor Day Weekend Trail Magic pancakes at Government Meadows! What a great spot!!!

And there was more...Krispy Cream donuts and chocolate milk! Magic Man, the father of some of our hiking friends, had a booth set up and it was the 3rd time we've seen him during our journey! Thank you!!!

Mushroom madness!

Best campsite in Washington (Mount Rainer pictured in the background).

A whole family of mushrooms!

North of Snoqualmie Pass we had our second sighting of mountain goats of the day. We also saw tons of marmots, pikas, and a bald eagle!

Hiking on a beautiful traverse north of Snoqualmie Pass, WA.

I guess they call it the "Cascades" for a reason.

How many frogs can you count?

A beautiful day to be outside!

Hiking above the fog as we approach Stevens Pass.

Smiling above the clouds.

Mushrooms will grow on anything, in this case on the root of a tree.

Hiker Trash at Stevens Pass base area. Look at those turtle toes!!!

The clothes line was completely covered with our wet gear. Grateful to stay with the Snohomish Trail Angels!

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