Monday, April 8, 2013

It's My Weekend

My start time has been 6AM, whether that was to get ready for work or to get ready to ski, and this past Sunday was the first time I've bucked that trend in a very long time. I did wake up around 6:30AM sans alarm, but I managed to fall back asleep around 8 or so. However, Dustin* decided we needed to get to packing as the clock was approaching 10:30AM. The conversation went as follows:

Dustin: "It's time to start packing. You need to wake up..."
Caroline: "Meh....leave me's my weekend....I want to sleep-in...."
Dustin: "Baby, it will be your weekend for at least another year..."

I absolutely love this! For those who don't know, my last day of work was this past Friday and Dustin will be finishing up patrolling tomorrow. We've spent the past couple of years saving and planning so that we can take an extended period of time off. On April 16th, that's only a week away, we'll be flying out of Portland to start our PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) thru-hike at the Mexican boarder town of Campo, CA. I've put some links on the sidebar for those who are interested in learning more about the trail.

While one might think cash flow is your biggest concern when taking a long holiday, in actuality there are a lot of logistical issues with just as much weight. I cannot say enough about how much we appreciate all of the support we've received from our friends and family. Whether that's allowing us to store all of our earthly possessions in your bunker, mailing us a new pair of shoes (with some homemade cookies, hint hint), babysitting our car, or just sending an encouraging thought our way.

With a foot of fresh snow on the ground it's hard to imagine we'll be hiking in a boiling hot desert in week! Now it's time to dig out the car so we can start the adventure!!

To appease Dustin's worries regarding this blogs' expectations I've added the following disclaimer. This blog is intended to capture a small portion of our adventure. As time allows, I hope to post photos and a brief synopsis of trail life. Anything beyond that is just icing on the cake.

*Starting April 16th we'll be using our trail names, "Iceman" and "Cattywampus".


  1. Be safe, have fun! We love you, Aunt Cattywampus!

    Love, Will
    (and his mommy and daddy)
